Over the past two decades, we’ve learned a thing (or many things) about what it takes to ensure a successful enterprise data migration and continue our history of delivering 100% successful go-lives for our clients.
Yet, we’re not one to rest on our laurels and are always looking to find new ways to improve what we do for our customers. We’re really excited to announce that we’ve made significant updates to our methodology and capabilities.
Major Investments in Our Software
We have launched a new cloud solution for effective management of complex data migrations and holistic data quality management that has introduced new levels of orchestration, automation, and simulation for Syniti customers. The revamped Syniti Knowledge Platform, which is resold by SAP as SAP Advanced Data Migration and Management by Syniti (SAP ADM&M), brings together data migration, quality, catalog, governance and matching in one cloud-based solution.
Using Best Practices to Fine-Tune our Methodology
While our methodology is the best in the business, we knew we wanted to continue to tweak it to make sure it’s as current and effective as possible. We looked at our 25+ years of complex data migrations, reviewing each project to understand areas to improve, and looked at current industry and market needs. Using real-world examples, we revitalized our comprehensive 8-step process to data migration success. Check it out below!

Here are some big changes (for the full details, check out our 8-steps to Successful Enterprise Data Migration eBook):
1. Renewed Focus on "Simulation"
Data Migrations are complicated. There’s a reason so many fail. For us (and one of the reasons we’ve been so successful) is that we simulate data migration loads in a secure test environment before we load. We then investigate the pre-load reports to identify load challenges and introduce immediate fixes before the cutover, massively reducing project risk. As a result, only clean, load-ready data is ever introduced to a new system. We're excited to welcome “Simulate” as the new sixth step!
2. Migration is NOT a One-off, but a Continuous Journey
Large enterprises are never done with migration. Whether it’s consolidating legacy systems or integrating a new acquisition, there will always be another migration project to do. In our revised methodology, we’ve introduced our surrounding "loop" to show the cyclical nature of data transformation. We’re not simply running these 8-steps once and then riding off into the sunset. The new 8-steps are a repeatable, best-practice process designed to be run successfully again and again.
3. Introduction of Migration-Accelerating Technologies
Successful execution of data migrations will always be a blend of expertise and advanced technology. While the 8-steps are the heart of our new methodology, we wanted to illustrate the importance of our surrounding technologies embedded within the Syniti Knowledege Platform (aka SAP ADM&M) that help us orchestrate programs successfully and get data clean and load-ready. From AI-driven data cleansing to knowledge capture/ re-use, we’re constantly searching for new ways we can optimize data transformation and apply it to accelerate and de-risk data migration projects.

Keep an eye on this blog as we’ll be dropping more methodology-related knowledge and best practices over the coming months!