Data Quality

How a Data First Approach Sharpens Your Competitive Edge

Discover the power of data-driven decision-making to boost productivity and competitive advantage.

As industries and markets evolve at a breakneck pace, relying solely on intuition and conjecture is inconducive to success. It is essential to adopt a data-driven approach that prioritizes informed decision-making.

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High-quality, accurate data is fundamental for constructing robust strategies and tactics that enhance productivity, improve performance, and enable competitive advantages. Leaders who prioritize data-driven approaches position their organizations for success in three critical ways:

Increased adaptability

High-quality data facilitates comprehensive market analysis to identify trends, patterns, and consumer behaviors. These insights can then be leveraged to gauge consumer demand, craft personalized marketing, and enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. By systematically recognizing the patterns in your data, and acting upon your findings, you can enhance your organization’s flexibility and resilience in the face of emerging challenges.

Streamlined innovation

Access to diverse datasets reveals potential avenues for innovation by identifying unmet needs and potential market disruptions. It also helps you evaluate the feasibility and risks of new ideas. High-quality data further promotes cross-function collaboration, ensuring that all stakeholders are aligned and working toward strategic objectives.

Accelerated market expansion

Data-driven decision-making expedites market entry for products while addressing critical customer needs. By analyzing purchasing behaviors, businesses can tailor product offerings and marketing strategies to serve niches with significant growth potential. Identifying available opportunities like these lets your organization establish a strong market presence with minimal setbacks.

Additionally, data can be used to improve operational efficiency, production and marketing costs, and regulatory compliance, thereby easing successful market entry and acceptance.

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Know the common roadblocks

Forward-thinking leaders acknowledge that data is integral to success across multiple fronts. However, a recent Gartner survey revealed that only 44% of business leaders can connect data initiatives to business outcomes. Furthermore, In 2020, Gartner and IDC predicted a 42.2% annual increase in enterprise data collection over the subsequent two years. Even minor discrepancies can snowball as enterprise datasets grow, becoming an issue of massive proportions. Poor data quality should not be seen as solely the concern of your IT department; it poses challenges that can impact every level of your organization.

Leaders striving to transform their organization’s data management practices must contend with common roadblocks, including:

  • Limited budgets: As budgets shrink, data stewards must struggle to enhance or maintain results with shrinking resources. This can hinder your digital transformation initiatives as immediate operational needs are prioritized over strategic investments. Insufficient resources also spell potential missed opportunities for growth and innovation.
  • Looming deadlines: After December 31, 2027, SAP will discontinue mainstream maintenance for thousands of Business Suite 7 users, compelling a transition to its cloud-based successor, S/4 HANA. This migration involves a multifaceted process that demands thorough preparation and extensive testing to mitigate potential downtime. Time is running out for organizations to complete the switch and minimize operational disruptions before this hard deadline.
  • Upload-ready vs business-ready data: When it comes to enterprise data, what’s available isn’t automatically what’s most useful. Poor data quality can lead to inaccuracies and inconsistencies that compromise decision-making processes. Hundreds, if not thousands, of productive hours are lost to cleaning data, correcting errata, and mitigating the results of errors. This is all time that could have been saved by proactively investing in data quality even before the first uploads begin.

Three priorities for data-driven success

For informed decision-making and enhanced operational efficiency, organizations must prioritize their data. Going Data First means all functions must collaborate to ensure enterprise data fits three key criteria before it is ever utilized for strategic business decisions.

  • Data should be clean. Datasets should be accurate, formatted correctly, and free from blanks or missing parameters. This provides a complete foundation for decision-making and is essential for reliable reporting and analytics.
  • Data should be business-ready. It should be relevant and immediately usable for the teams that need it. This boosts productivity and efficiency while ensuring that strategies are built on a robust foundation of insights. Wise leaders focus on getting data right rather than merely getting it done.
  • Data should be fit for strategic objectives. Your datasets should be aligned with the strategic goals of your organization. High-quality data accelerates planning by surfacing the trends and patterns that will guide future tactics.

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Lead the way with Data First

Data-driven enterprises excel in performance, adapt swiftly to changes, and possess a robust foundation for growth. By prioritizing your data, you are prioritizing your future success, expansion, and competitive edge.

Learn more about how Syniti helps leading businesses lead with data—and stay in the lead.

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