In a world where magic and innovation collide, the past few weeks have seen the grand spectacle of Syniti's most anticipated event of the year, DemoJam 2K23. Like a scene out of a fantastical movie, regional events across the globe have brought together the extraordinary talents of our Synizen community, who possess a special kind of magic in the realms of sales, product development, and delivery. This series of events has been a mesmerizing journey filled with live demonstrations, interactive sessions, and the discovery of new ways to conquer the latest data challenges using their magical skills.
"The best way to spread Syniti cheer is innovating loud for all to hear.” - Buddy the Elf (kind of)
The annual DemoJam event is a beacon that illuminates the drive, ingenuity, dedication, and brilliance of Syniti's community. Every year, teams of "Jammers," alongside regional judges, executive sponsors, and countless Synizens from every corner of the world, convene for this enchanting virtual event. It's a chance to witness some of the most captivating innovations in the world of data. These submissions are born from the real-life needs observed in the field, echoing the whispers of enterprise brands from every imaginable industry.
“I just like to innovate. Innovating is my favorite.”
“This is one of my favorite nights – getting to see the ideas and the competition and the innovation presented from people all over Syniti,” said Kevin Campbell, CEO and one of the event’s executive sponsors. “We’ve got everybody from pre-sales to delivery to customer experience teams, and it is the boundless passion, desire, and teamwork from each team that drives these from challenges to idea to solution. “
As the regional events unfold, champions in each category are crowned and advance to the illustrious DemoJam Global Finale. This year's submissions remain shrouded in secrecy, but everything from generative AI to augmented data quality to enhanced controls and dashboards was fair game.
So, how does this magical event work?
A panel of renowned judges gather for this prestigious event to assess twenty submissions across three distinct categories: Extensions and Functionality, Application, and Outside the Box. Each submission is reviewed by the judges and ranked with scores based on five core measures: Originality, Maturity, Customer Value, Market Value, and Presentation.
Each submission is represented by a team of up to three Jammers. With only six minutes to pitch and demo their concept, it’s a battle of wits between the best that Syniti has to offer as teams face off to showcase their most compelling innovations using video, slides, and real-time demos. Four minutes of Q&A follow the demonstration before judges and audience members grade and score the presentation.
“We Synizens try to stick to the four main data groups: migration, quality, matching, and replication.”
Winners also have a chance to witness their solution find a permanent home in Syniti’s solutions, thanks in part to the executive sponsorship of Ryan Rodenburg.
“DemoJam really is about representation across the board – from the end user to the developer,” said Rodenburg. “Look at our core values – we talk about being curious, about thinking big, and most importantly, about taking action. This is all of that - DemoJam is really a chance to work closely with product and breed a more connective tissue between sales, product, and delivery in the organization.”
Melanie Payne echoed the sentiment: “I’m always amazed by the creativity and ideas to solve some of the issues we’ve seen our clients face in the field. It’s why we’re unique and the best at what we do. We earn the privilege to continue to solve their problems.
Congratulations to all our Jammers who participated this year in both regional events and the finale!