Introducing Syniti Migrate: Frictionless Data Migration. Complexity welcomed.
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Even more of everything you love about Syniti migrations
Harmonization of data means having a single source of data, but just why is that so important? Read on to learn about the benefits of data...
When you decide to move to SAP S/4HANA, you must begin preparing for your data transformation. These are the key tasks to ensure a smooth transition.
61% of SAP customers report that data management issues are slowing down process automation and impeding moves to S/4HANA.
Why care about data transformation? If you’re into getting more value, with less work, for more return out of the processes, systems, data, and...
Inventory visibility is an important part of retail operations. To stay agile and create harmonized workflows, retailers and suppliers are turning to...
Data has a major role to play in delivering the benefits of sustainability.
The latest in our CDO Magazine interview series features a conversation with Ron Thompson of NASA as we discuss transparency in data.
Companies can no longer afford to ignore data quality initiatives, but lucky for you, data quality is becoming increasingly more accessible for the...